Article name Strategies for the rational and integrated use of mineral raw materials based on the best available technologies and life cycle assessment of mining waste
Authors Shumilova L.. ,
Cherkasov V.G. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 622.7
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-4-32-44
Article type
Annotation The relevance is explained by the need to expand the functionality of the mining and environmental concept of waste-free production. The purpose of the study is to develop a new one Strategy for the rational and integrated use of mineral raw materials based on the best available technologies (BAT) and an assessment of the life cycle of mining waste. The object of research is the Best Available Technologies, BAT (Best Available Technologies) of mining enterprises. The subject of the study is the relationship of the basic principles of the selection of BAT from alternative technology options with the assessment of the life cycle of mining waste. Method and methodology of research – theoretical analysis, system analysis, development of flowcharts and the new one Strategies for rational and integrated use of mineral raw materials. Results and discussion: a multi-stage comparative analysis of waste management systems in the EU and in the Russian Federation was carried out, which showed that in Russia, for the effective functioning of this system, it is necessary to find and implement such management methods that will allow mining enterprises to interact with the biosphere with the least impact on the environment; it is established that the comparison of alternative versions of BAT is the most effective solution for ensuring an overall high level of environmental protection, saving material and energy resources, taking into account the economic feasibility of implementation. During the EIA, in order to select economically optimal BAT from alternative technology options, enterprises should perform a number of calculations according to the recommended methods and taking into account the nine principles of BAT. Conclusions: the life cycle assessment of mining waste should be integrated into a single management system; a new Strategy for the rational and integrated use of mineral raw materials has been developed based on the best available technologies and the life cycle assessment of mining waste, which allows for waste-free or low-waste production within the framework of the mining and environmental concept
Key words mining and environmental concept; waste-free production; low-waste production; best available technologies; life cycle; system; waste management; strategy; BAT principles; biosphere
Article information Shumilova L., Khatkova А., Razmakhnin К., Cherkasov V. Strategies for the rational and integrated use of mineral raw materials based on the best available technologies and life cycle assessment of mining waste // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 32-44. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-4-32-44.
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Full articleStrategies for the rational and integrated use of mineral raw materials based on the best available technologies and life cycle assessment of mining waste