Article name Nickel and copper migration forms of ultrafresh waters in the Kola region central part
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 550.46(470.21): 556.114
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-5-6-16
Article type
Annotation The article presents the waters study results, the composition of which is formed in various hydrogeochemical and ecological conditions. All investigated waters are ultrafresh: TDS of streams and springs does not exceed 30 mg/l, water of Lake Imandra at sampling points is 40 and 73 mg/l. All waters are calcium bicarbonate, but the lake’s waters have an increased content of sulfate ion, chloride ion, and especially sodium. This composition is due to the influence of wastewater from the Kola MMC. It is shown that the 7 km stream is mainly groundwater discharge; however, judging by the concentrations of heavy metals and aluminum, the lateral soil water runoff also takes part in the formation of the stream’s water composition. For all studied waters, the gross concentrations of Ni and Cu hardly change after filtration through a membrane filter with a pore size of 0.45 μm, that is, these metals migrate in a dissolved form (a combination of colloidal and truly dissolved forms). The similarity of the results of determining the migratory forms of Ni and Cu in ultra-fresh waters by experimental and calculation methods is shown. Therefore, according to the assessment of the ratio of suspended, colloidal and truly dissolved forms of copper and nickel based on the results of an experiment using filtration and equilibrium dialysis, in the waters under consideration, the truly dissolved form of migration of Ni and Cu is predominant. The application of physicochemical modeling using the HydroGeo software package made it possible to show that nickel migrates mainly in the form of the Ni2+ ion, and copper in combination with the organic ligands Cu(FА) and Cu(FА2)2-. In addition, it was found that with an increase in the pH value of waters, the proportion of complex compounds increases and the amount of simple ions Ni2+ and Cu2+ decreases
Key words forms of migration; nickel, copper; chemical composition; natural waters; Kola region; Lake Imandra; experiment; filtration; modeling
Article information Vorobeva D., Evtyugina Z. Nickel and copper migration forms of ultrafresh waters in the Kola region central part // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 6–16. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-5-6-16.
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Full articleNickel and copper migration forms of ultrafresh waters in the Kola region central part