Article name Deepfake as a phenomenon of political communication
Authors Nechay E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32.019.51
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-6-101-106
Article type
Annotation The development of digital technologies, coupled with progress in the development of self-learning programs based on AI (Artificial Intelligence), has obvious advantages in improving the effectiveness of information impact on people around the world. During the 2010s, researchers have documented trends in the use of artificial intelligence for the construction and distribution of media content to indirectly manipulate political discourse at the national and global levels. Special interest in the context of this issue is how the rapid development of AI technologies affects political communication. The object of consideration within the framework of this article is the deepfake technology. Based on this, as a subject, the authors define deepfake as a phenomenon of modern political communication. Accordingly, the purpose of the study is to describe and predict the impact of deepfake technology on political communication at the global and national levels. The paper presents the definition of deepfake, assesses its characteristics depending on the methods and purposes of its distribution, and analyzes the prospects for using this tool to influence political discourse in modern Russia. To study the subject field of the research, methods of systematizing theoretical data, classification, analysis of a set of factors and forecasting have been applied. The practical significance of the work is presented by the authors’ definition and typology of the phenomenon of deepfake and describes its significance as a factor of political communication on the example of a particular country. The results of the work will be useful for researchers studying the problems of digitalization of the media space and modern means of disinformation in politics, both at the local and global levels
Key words deepfake; political communication; AI systems; machine learning; artificial intelligence; digitalization; digital threats; media environment deformation; transformation of political institutions; political stability
Article information Falaleev M., Sitdikova N., Nechay E. Deepfake as a phenomenon of political communication // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 101–106. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-6-101-106.
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Full articleDeepfake as a phenomenon of political communication