Article name Digitalization of the political process of modern Russia: trends and prospects
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-6-63-72
Article type
Annotation The development of digital technologies, their active implementation in the process of public-power management, and the daily life of citizens are changing the usual forms of political communication, radically transforming the political space. In the scientific community, discussions are held about the feasibility and importance of these processes, value judgments are made about the changes taking place in society; however, the digital transformation of public relations is irreversible and increasingly affects the familiar world. The urgency of this issue is due to the intensive introduction of the latest technologies in the political sphere, that is, its complete digitalization. The object of the research is the political process under the influence of the digital transformation of society in modern Russia. The subject of the study is the impact of the latest digital technologies on the transformation of the political process. The research purpose of the article is to determine the list of trends in the digitalization of the political process in modern Russia. The first task is to consider the issue in the scientific community about the use of digital technologies in the political sphere; the second task involves the analysis of the influence of trends on the transformation of the political process, the third-the identification of the most obvious trends. Digital technologies and prospects of digitalization are considered, taking into account the accumulated experience in the political sphere. The research examines the phenomena of digitalization of the political environment, analyzes digital trends and their impact on changing political communication. The author delineates the prospects and trends of digitalization of the political process. A possible list of trends in digitalization that will be introduced into the political sphere in the coming years, such as trends in the “digital format”, the protection of big data, control, and robotization, which cause modern changes in the political process in modern Russian society, and have an impact on the development of relations between a person and the state, is revealed
Key words political process; digitalization; e-government; e-voting; elections; artificial intelligence (AI); digital technologies; information technology (IT); blockchain; big data; prospects and trends of digitalization
Article information Potanina О. Digitalization of the political process of modern Russia: trends and prospects // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 63–72. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-6-63-72.
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Full articleDigitalization of the political process of modern Russia: trends and prospects