Article name Conceptualization of social and religious security of the Russia Federation in political studies
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 322
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-3-71-81
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to an attempt to analyze and compare the concepts of social security of the regions of the Russian Federation, including the concept of “unity” and the concept of “regionality”. The authors of the article seek to resolve the contradiction between these concepts using the simulation of social security of the Russian Federation on the basis of the complementary principle and synthesis of the concepts of “unity” and “regionality”. The result of the article is the a dynamic model formation of social security of Russian regions, under which the process of continuous designing of regulatory and value ideas, instilled in the regional community, through the impact of its society surrounding it, as well as social agreements aimed at achieving conjunction within the social framework of Russian regions. The second result is to determine the social security of Russian regions, as a process in which, depending on the situational influence of objective and subjective factors, or centrifugal or regional trends are dominated.The third result is the statement of the fact that, for a long time, despite the significant difference in the civilization nature of the regions, the Russian social framework maintains integrity, which indicates the predominance of unifying trends and the absence of the desire among Russian regions to the exit from the All-Russian social space
Key words social security; Russian regions; safety of regions; social framework; vital activity; regionalism; social security model; concept of regions’ “unity”; concept of “regionality”
Article information Romanova N., Kononov S., ShevchenkoМ.,ShevchenkoYu. Conceptualization of social and religious security of the Russia Federation in political studies // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 71–81. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-3-71-81.
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Full articleConceptualization of social and religious security of the Russia Federation in political studies