Article |
Article name |
Ecological and economic indicators of sustainable development of regions in the context of ensuring the quality of population life |
Authors |
Azarova N.. , Nebesnaya A.. , Zinovieva I.. doctor of economic sciences, professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Category |
Economics |
332.122.5 |
10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-2-114-122 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Ecological and economic indicators are a kind of indicator of the economic state of the regions, the ongoing processes, trends in the regional economy, the quality of life of population and characterize the sustainable development of the regions. These indicators should take into account the regional power structures that make management decisions for regional development. Often, these indicators are formed in isolation from each other, and the analysis of statistical reports does not allow the data to be formed up-to-date. The study identifies the reasons associated with the problems of sustainable development of the region’s economy, and notes the connection of these problems with the quality of life of the population. It is noted that ensuring a high level of economic development in the regions is often at the expense of the state and quality of the environment. It is noted that Russia is following the path of international trends in the development of the regional economy – compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This is due to the support of the global strategy of economic development within the framework of the “green economy”. The article examines the components of the environmental quality indicators of the Russian regions, and also establishes a correlation between them and the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the work of the heads of regions and regional executive authorities, which ultimately reflects the level of development of the region as a whole. In the work, using the National Environmental Rating for 2020 of the subjects of the Russian Federation, leaders and outsiders among the regions of the Russian Federation are identified by the level of their environmental condition. According to the results of the ecological and economic assessment, the authors ranked the complex indicator of the state of environmental indicators in the regions, which include a list of six indicators: the level of emissions of harmful substances, the discharge of polluted wastewater, production and consumption waste, water consumption, energy consumption, and environmental protection costs. The researchers analyzed the positions of the Voronezh Region in terms of the quality of life in the region and finding a position in the environmental rating of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The authors propose a grouping of regions by the value of a complex indicator, study the indicators of the ecological state of the regions, and correlate between sustainable development and the quality of life of the population of the regions |
Key words |
ecological and economic indicators, green economy, rating, environmental rating of the subjects of the Russian Federation, sustainable development, quality of the population life, gross regional product, eco-friendly policy. |
Article information |
Zinovieva I., Azarova N., Nebesnaya A. Ecological and economic indicators of sustainable development of regions in the context of ensuring the quality of population life // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 114–122. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-2-114-122. |
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Full article | Ecological and economic indicators of sustainable development of regions in the context of ensuring the quality of population life |