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The aim of the study is to resolve the contradiction between understanding the social security of regions as security within the framework of a single Russian social space, and understanding it as an indicator of the autonomy of regions. The study uses a modeling method that makes it possible to synthesize the provisions on the social security of Russian regions within the framework of the concepts of their “unity” and “regionality”. The result of the conducted research is the formation of a dynamic model of social security of Russian regions, within the framework of which the process of continuous construction of normative and value concepts, instilled in the regional community through the surrounding society’s influence, as well as social agreements aimed at achieving conjunction within the social space of Russian regions, is taking place. The second result is the definition of the social security of Russian regions as a process in which, depending on the situational influence of objective and subjective factors, either centrifugal or regional trends prevail. The third result is the statement that, for a long time, despite the significant difference in the civilizational nature of the regions, the Russian social space remains intact, which indicates the prevalence of unifying tendencies and the lack of desire in Russian regions to leave the all-Russian social space |
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