Article |
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Authors |
Beidina T.. doctor of political sciences, professor, beydina@inbox.ruKazaryan I.. candidate of political sciences, associate professor, ¡кагагуап@уапбех. гиKukharsky A.. candidate of political sciences, kukharskijjartjom@yandex.ruNovikova A.. candidate of political sciences, associate professor, assistant professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Category |
Politology |
321 |
10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-2-65-73 |
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Annotation |
The article is devoted to the identification and analysis of the reform of municipal territories in the Transbaikal Territory, which actualizes the problem of political subjectivity. The article is of a controversial nature, since the tendencies of territorial development issues in the modern period have controversial points related to the unification of municipalities. The urgency of the problem is due to the formation of municipal districts and the need to generalize their practical experience of functioning. The problem is actualized by the fact that the base of the Priargunsky municipal district. In 2020 the Priargunsky municipal district was created, which requires the development of a unified municipal system and taking into account the municipal changes in Transbaikalia, primarily within the framework of the “Electronic Municipality” program. The purpose of the article: analyzing the political subjectivity of the Transbaikal Territory, to characterize the changes in local self-government bodies, taking into account the information openness of municipalities. Practice confirms that the low efficiency of the enlargement of municipal territories and the creation of municipal districts in the underdeveloped, depressed constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the Transbaikal Territory, is obvious. The article describes the relationship between administrative and public administration with the implementation of federal target programs and with the implementation of state and municipal decisions. Political subjectivity is inextricably linked with administrative and public administration, which is focused on a centralized system of leadership and is identical with the concept of “executive power”, and also has many similarities with state policy. Administrative and public administration is an imperative and administrative activity, which is implemented in normative (soft) and hard (prohibitions, orders) forms. The system of administrative and public administration includes the entire structure of government bodies and is focused on executive bodies of both federal and regional levels and on local government institutions. The novelty of the study is due to the fact that the complexity of the municipal territories of Transbaikalia is revealed; the incompleteness of the municipal reform is characterized from the point of view of managerial development and the need to take into account the strategic approach to territorial administration. The scientific significance of the article is emphasized by the identified interrelationships of administrative-state management and local self-government in the reform of municipal territories in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, one of which is the Transbaikal Territory |
Key words |
administrative and public administration; Transbaikal Territory; executive power; national projects; political subjectivity; municipalities; digitalization; information policy; information society; municipal changes
Article information |
Beydina T., Kazaryan I., Kukharsky A., Novikova A. Political subjectivity of the Transbaikal Territory in the framework of municipal changes // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2021, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 65–73. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2021-27-2-65-73. |
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