Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 330.3
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-10-136-149
Article type
Annotation In recent years, living conditions of a population have changed rapidly due to complex social, economic, cultural, political and other processes. This naturally leads not only to a transformation of the system of values, motivation, worldview, but also an entire way of life. High rates of these changes simultaneously led a delegation given, on the one hand, a diversity of forms of response behavior, from the other – their gradual integration into the socio-economic relations in a search result models of individual and collective adaptation to a new dynamic environment, characterized by high uncertainty and heterogeneity. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify and describe the main models of population adaptation on an interdisciplinary basis, not limited to an analysis of complex processes within a single field of knowledge. In this regard, the task is to find a way to harmonize (coordinate) different points of view on a nature of a single phenomenon. The object of our research is a variety of adaptation processes of a population to dynamically changing conditions of its life. At the same time, the subject should be a wide range of different types of interactions between a population and an external environment, as well as a population “within itself”, as part of the model of its adaptation to changing conditions. To achieve the goal and solve problems, a set of methods that complement each other is used, namely: theoretical analysis and synthesis, systematization and comparative analysis. As a result, it was found that population adaptation is a rather complex phenomenon, the study of which goes far beyond the formal framework of any one field of knowledge, being at their intersection, which requires the search for new approaches that allow integrating explanations of the nature of phenomena that are currently interpreted within their paradigms. The article presents the main types of models of population adaptation to dynamically changing socio-economic conditions of life, their features, identity and differences, as well as areas of application
Key words adaptation of a population; adaptation model of a population; dynamically changing conditions; socio-economic dynamics; standard of living; economic development; social group; system analysis; mechanisms of population adaptation; behavioral economics
Article information ShelomentsevA., Bessonova Т. Goncharova К. Modern models of population adaptation to dynamically changing socio-economic conditions of life // TransbaikalStateUniversityJournal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 136–149. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-10-136-149.
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