Article name Formation of a risk assessment model when selecting a foreign supplier under a foreign trade contract
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.22.021.4
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-10-82-87
Article type
Annotation Many businesses that work with a large number of product lines face the problem of choosing a supplier of goods or services. The problem of finding suppliers is faced by most businesses that do business and are looking for new ways to optimize costs. Enterprises need to periodically search for suppliers, and this is much more difficult for them due to lack of experience, especially in relations with foreign suppliers. Procurement planning is carried out by selecting suppliers who must meet previously established criteria set by the company’s standards and legislation. The search and analysis of suppliers should be carried out systematically using all possible sources of information. At the present stage, conservative methods of searching, analyzing and selecting suppliers are being improved and supplemented with new forms and methods, but none of the existing methods of selecting a supplier properly takes into account the current operating conditions. Therefore, supply chain management is particularly relevant and requires improvement. The article suggests a model that allows identifying potentially unscrupulous suppliers even before the contract is executed in the supply chain and using management. The article presents a block diagram of the supply chain risk management model. The model specifies a key condition aimed at combining the work of all departments in order to increase the transparency of procedures. At the same time, the model will reduce the risks of the supply chain and improve the process of making logistics decisions within 3 main blocks. Information about the entire lifecycle of equipment, media, and items is stored in the supply chain information system, reflecting the status and attributes of all aspects and providing a variety of data support for decision - making
Key words residual risk; model; foreign supplier; foreign trade contract; supply chain; security assessment; competitive advantages; platform; business operations; countermeasures
Article information Lin Peng Formation of a risk assessment model when selecting a foreign supplier under a foreign trade contract// Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 82–87. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-10-82-87.
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Full articleFormation of a risk assessment model when selecting a foreign supplier under a foreign trade contract