Authors Piterova A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32.19.5
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-10-60-71
Article type
Annotation The relevance of the study is determined by the institutionalization of gender imbalance in the representation bodies of the Russian Federation, the lack of significant improvements in the aspect of women’s integration into the political management system. It is obvious that the two forms of women’s active and passive participation in the political process are disproportionate and, as a result, they have limited access to political influence and power, which suggests a weak articulation of their interests in various spheres of socio-political and economic space. The object of study – the current composition of the representative bodies of subjects the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) at the regional level and bodies’ representative of local government administrative centers. The subject of the study is the female deputy corps of the subjects of the FEFD. The purpose of the study: description and comparative analysis of the morphology of the female deputy corps of the subjects of the FEFD at the regional and municipal levels. The main task is to fix the level of representation of women in legislative bodies and local self-government bodies of the FEFD in comparison with all-Russian indicators. The main method of research is the method of statistical typological grouping of primary statistical material, on the basis of which summary indicators are identified according to the criteria for analyzing the main characteristics of the female deputy corps of the FEFD (quantitative, education, socio-professional experience, age, political affiliation, etc.). The sources of the study are the official websites of the representative bodies of 11 subjects of the FEFD, election commissions of the subjects, websites of the electoral information service, and party information systems. In the organs of representative offices of the FEFD remains a significant gender imbalance and gender pyramid, the level of participation of women in bodies of representation the FEFD is higher than the average for Russia. The morphology of regional and local representation models differs in quantitative terms, but the socio-demographic and socio-political characteristics are almost identical. The lack of dominance of representatives of the public sector is recorded, the business community is equally represented, but the institution of NGOs is practically not used in the political promotion of women. The relative social openness of the women’s deputy corps of the FEFD is noted: there is no overwhelming majority of senior organizational management, there is a cluster of non-executives
Key words Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD); gender analysis; women in politics; women’s representation; women’s deputy corps; public policy; political representation; regional policy; municipal authorities
Article information Milaeva O., Piterova A. Socio-political characteristics of the female deputy of the far eastern federal district // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 10, pp. 60–71. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-10-60-71.
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