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The subject of the research is the methods of forecasting the Eastern Transbaikalia - a large mining region of Russia, in which the main internal and external criteria for ore content are established by modern geological mapping at a scale of 1:1,000,000. The article considers endogenous geochemical criteria for gold concentration in the Earth’s crust of the region, which constitute a mandatory methodological method for predicting gold ore objects at any scale. The aim of the work is to clarify the achieved level of knowledge about the mineralogical and geochemical criteria for gold concentration in the course of the evolution of the Earth’s crust up to the formation of industrial deposits and the isolation of ore formations. The methodology of the study is to systematize a huge amount of factual material concerning the processes of natural concentration of gold, to analyze its representativeness, to assess the completeness and reliability of published and stock information used to clarify the mineralogical and geochemical criteria for predicting ore gold. Using the chemical properties of gold, the forms of finding gold, amount of it in the forming geological complexes and natural environments, their evolution, distribution in structural and tectonic zones, some causes of concentration and mineralogical and geochemical prediction criteria are considered. Special attention is paid to the need to study and account for nanoscale (dispersed) gold. As the main ore-formation units of gold mineralization, standardized ore formations are defined with a division into gold ore proper, complex gold-bearing and gold-bearing and geological and industrial types of deposits. There are 15 geological and industrial types, of which 13 are transbaikal deposits standards and two are attracted from other regions. These types of deposits differ in the number of objects related to them. Due to some similarity in the composition of ore matter, geological and industrial types differ in the most important classification characteristics for the forecast. Areas of distribution of direct and indirect mineralogical and geochemical features grouped into mineralogical and geochemical forecast criteria are promising for endogenous concentration of gold mineralization
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