Article name Conceptual consideration of political, national and religious security in western political and philosophical science
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 321.01.02
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-7-77-85
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the analysis of the security philosophy formation, the central concept of which is security, differently understood by different philosophical directions. The purpose of the study is the need to analyze the process of the security concept formation in the history of Western philosophy. To achieve the goal, a comparative analysis methodology was applied based on a cultural-historical approach associated with the procedures for analyzing philosophical texts on security issues. The novelty of the research is provided by the analysis of the evolution of ideas about security as a concept, the structure of which has expanded, gradually including the sphere of not only real, material, but also imaginable, spiritual security. The authors note that for a long time it was customary to talk about the phenomenon of security only in the aspect of substantiating the reasons for the unification of the population within the boundaries of state formations. However, under the influence of Christian ideology, security began to be understood as a person’s inner experience of his spiritual state. At the same time, the actualization of the concept of “unity” within the framework of the national states of the New Age led to the development of the idea of national security, the accumulation of knowledge about which served as the beginning of a wide range of ideas about economic, cultural, legal and personal security formation. Now security has been understood as a system of measures within which definitions of protection and preservation, the state and the local group, material goods and spiritual interests, real and imaginary danger are divided
Key words security philosophy; security concepts; state security; national security; economic security; cultural security; legal security
Article information Kononov S., Zhukov А., Romanova N. Conceptual consideration of political, national and religious security in western political and philosophical science // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 77–85. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-7-77-85.
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Full articleConceptual consideration of political, national and religious security in western political and philosophical science