Article name Research of plastic ice, mineral formations and air of multi-frozen karst cave Heetey in Transbaikalia
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 551.435.587
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-7-33-43
Article type
Annotation Heetey caves (“cold” and “warm”) which are located in the southern part of the permafrost in the Transbaikal Region have been chosen as the object of the research in the article. The subject is the physical and chemical parameters of the object. The results of the research in the “cold” Heetey cave are given in more detail. The following methods of this object research were chosen: study of the chemical composition of cave air using a chromatograph; radar survey of the cave grotto in the centimeter range; measurement of its own radio-thermal radiation using microwave radiometers. As a result of the research, the following results were obtained. The article provides information on the natural conditions that determine the dependence of the state of natural environments in the Heetey karst caves. The characteristics of occurrence and composition conditions of the natural environments of a karst cave (geological, cryogenic, atmospheric, groundwater) are given, taking into account the cryogenesis of their formation, transformation and influence on the cave air composition. A description of a rare low-temperature mineral, aragonite, which was first discovered in the cave and which is transformed into calcite over time is described. It is shown that the ice cover at the bottom of the cave has a layered structure, which is due to the seasonal ingress of surface water into the cave. The results of measurements of the surface air composition above the rocks’ surface and in caves, namely the content of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, explosive gases – methane and hydrogen, mercury vapors are presented. A previously unknown fact of an increased geochemical background of radon concentration has been established. The most probable reasons for the formation and increased background of radon concentration are indicated. Microwave radiometric measurements have shown that there has been warming inside the cave over the past decade. This fact is associated with a general warming of the climate in Transbaikalia, as well as with an increase in the number of visits to caves by unorganized tourists. With the use of a 10 GHz nanosecond radar, hidden internal cavities were discovered in the roof of the cave, which can further lead to its destruction. The prints on the walls of the cave (in its lower part) show that the level of the ice sheet in 2015 is lower than its maximum level (1990) by 10 cm, which corresponds to a loss of ice volume of 12...15 m3 per year
Key words rocks; groundwater; atmosphere; ice cover; aragonite; radon; microwave radar; karst formations; Heetey caves; speleotourism
Article information Zheleznyak I., Tsyrenzhapov S., Gurulev А. Research of plastic ice, mineral formations and air of multi-frozen karst cave Heetey in Transbaikalia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 33–43. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-7-33-43.
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Full articleResearch of plastic ice, mineral formations and air of multi-frozen karst cave Heetey in Transbaikalia