Article name Paleogeography of the Sartan Glaciation of the Hamar-Daban Ridge (Southern Baikal Region)
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 551.89-4.036
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-7-17-32
Article type
Annotation Based on the methods of remote identification and spatial fixation of glacial relief forms with their subsequent geomorphological analysis, the lower boundary of the chionosphere, the glacier feeding areas, boundaries and glacier parameters of the maximum phase of the Last Glacial Maximum glaciers (MIS 2) of the mountainous regions of Southern Baikal region were established and a paleogeographic map was constructed. The object of this study was the dynamics of exogenous processes during the development of the permafrost zone in the Southern Baikal region. The subject of the study is the glacial landforms of the Late Neopleistocene of the Khamar-Daban ridge. Glaciers were reconstructed using absolute marks of destructive and accumulative traces using topographic maps, aerial photographs and satellite images. Paleogeographic constructions were carried out using computer programs Google Earth Pro and SAS. Planet release. The final generalization of the primary material was carried out on a topographic basis on a scale of 1:500,000. The results obtained made it possible to establish the depression of the snow boundary at the maximum of the last cooling at 1300…1400 m in relation to the current climatic and to reveal the features of deformation of the lower border of the chionosphere. The reconstruction of the paleogeographic situation showed the spread of simple and complex (dendritic) types of mountain-valley glaciers, as well as mesh and mountain-glaciation glaciers in some parts of the mountain top. It was established that in the region of the maximum depression of the snowy border, some glaciers reached the coast of Lake Baikal, which could contribute to dilution of secondary aureoles and the displacement of placer mineral deposits. On the southern slope of the Khamar-Daban ridge, the snow boundary passed at an altitude of 1800…2200 m, and glaciation was limited to the development of only circus and circus-valley glaciers of small sizes, contributing to the formation of placers far removed from indigenous sources
Key words Key words: Late Pleistocene; glaciation; glacial erosion; moraine; paleoglaciology; snow border; ridge Khamar-Daban; Lake Baikal; Southern Baikal Region; Paleogeographical map
Article information Enikeev F. Paleogeography of the Sartan Glaciation of the Hamar-Daban Ridge (Southern Baikal Region) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 7, pp. 17–32. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-7-17-32.
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Full articlePaleogeography of the Sartan Glaciation of the Hamar-Daban Ridge (Southern Baikal Region)