Article |
Article name |
Scientific and theoretical approaches to determining the role of the spa complex in the socio-economic development of the region |
Authors |
Oborin M.. , Kozhushkina I.. , |
Bibliographic description |
Category |
Economics |
338; 348; 631 |
10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-93-105 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The research contains an analysis of scientific and theoretical approaches to determining the role of the sanatorium-resort complex in the socio-economic development of the region as a whole and the system and network, which allow us to more accurately study the features of complex socio-economic systems in particular. Problems of increasing the efficiency of regional health resort complexes are related to medical, social and economic results, the unity of which provides the necessary level of competitiveness in the market of resort and recreational services.
The topic of the article is relevant, since the social significance of resort medicine is high in ensuring the necessary level of quality of life of the population and the duration of preserving the therapeutic effect. At the regional level, the positive results of the functioning of the sanatorium-resort complex can be attributed to a reduction in the incidence of diseases of citizens, an increase in life expectancy and improvements in demographic indicators. The economic effect of the regional health resort complex is multiplicative and affects the development of the business environment.
The purpose of the article is to identify the role of the Spa complex in the economic system of the region, taking into account the existing scientific and theoretical approaches and their adaptation to modern market conditions. The research methods used by the authors are system, situational, network approaches, modeling of socio-economic processes.
A systematic approach to the study of sanatorium-resort complex contributes to the development of scientific-theoretical notions when building of the sanatorium-resort system of the region, which provides a high objectivity of the results, as it provides for: the inclusion of elements which determine its identity, elements of sustainable development; it allows to determine qualitative and quantitative characteristics of interaction of the complex in the economic system of the region; gives the system a unique emergent property. The network approach allows adapting existing scientific and theoretical approaches to the socio-economic conditions of the regions, describing existing facts, phenomena and trends in the development of resort medicine in an integrated market environment.
Based on the results of the research, a model of the sanatorium-resort complex integration into the socio-economic system of the region is proposed, which allows to single out the trends of its strategic development
Key words |
sanatorium and resort complex; system approach; network approach; socio-economic system; region; integrated environment; development strategy; efficiency; socio-economic relations; model
Article information |
Oborin M., Nagoyeva T., Kozhushkina I. Scientific and theoretical approaches to determining the role of the spa complex in the socio-economic development of the region // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 93–105. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-93 |
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Full article | Scientific and theoretical approaches to determining the role of the spa complex in the socio-economic development of the region |