Article name Introduction of the ethics code for state civil servants as a condition of management efficiency increasing (on the example of the Siberian federal district)
Authors Matveeva E. . doctor of political sciences, associate professor, professor,
Vostrikov K.. candidate of political sciences,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 321
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-27-36
Article type
Annotation The subject of the research is the application of regional ethical codes of civil servants in the system of management on the example of three subjects of the Siberian Federal District – of the Kemerovo, Tomsk districts and Altai Region. The purpose of the study was to analyze regional ethical codes of civil servants and an expert survey aimed at identifying the level of awareness of civil servants about the adopted ethical codes on the example of the subjects of the Siberian Federal district. The study found application of comparative and institutional approaches, as well as empirical methods – the selective method and the expert survey method. The ethical codes of the regions of the Siberian Federal District, administrative and political technologies of their application and types are given. The main aspects of the codes are highlighted, emphasizing the work of lawmakers in improving the efficiency of public service in the regions and increasing its prestige. The role of ethical codes in the formation of the prestige of a state public servant is analyzed. Ensuring the high prestige of a state public servant in the public space is a complex and at the same time responsible process, multifaceted and multilevel, therefore the empirical study conducted by the authors has a practical focus. The results will help to increase the rating indicators of the regional governing bodies of the Siberian Federal District. The study shows that only an integrated approach to the application of ethical codes can make real progress in a reasonable amount of time. The problem of reducing corruption in the public service system in regional governance structures in situations of citizens’ appeals to government bodies of any level, when employees have a desire to solve public issues, by passing regulatory legal acts, is of particular relevance. In these conditions, the importance of increasing public control over state civil servants is becoming increasingly important, which affects the factor of moral control of officials through various communication channels in society. With increasing openness of government, the prestige of a state public servant is becoming more and more symbolic and constructed. Thus, the successes that have been achieved in building the prestige of a state civil servant are largely due to the timely introduction of ethical codes of a state civil servant in the practice of managerial activity
Key words ethical codes; civil servants; effectiveness of regional policy management; anti-corruption; professional socialization of civil servants; regional government bodies; civil society; public attitudes; expert survey of civil servants; Siberian Federal District
Article information Matveeva Е., Vostrikov К. Introduction of the ethics code for state civil servants as a condition of management efficiency increasing (on the example of the Siberian federal district) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 27–36. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-5-27-36.
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Full articleIntroduction of the ethics code for state civil servants as a condition of management efficiency increasing (on the example of the Siberian federal district)