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Currently, there is a tendency to reduce the quality of mineral raw materials. Complex mining deposits are involved in mining, the ores of which have a low content of useful components and various forms of their presence in the mineral substance. Expanding the spectrum of forms for finding useful components causes the problem of ensuring their extraction according to standardized technological schemes and processing parameters. In turn, this requires a flexible differentiated approach to the effect on a mineral substance with certain forms of finding useful components, the corresponding use of several technological processing schemes with flexible regulation of their parameters and modes. A necessary stage in the implementation of this approach is the deep differentiation of mining and processing facilities in conjunction with existing and promising technical means of extraction and enrichment.
The paper proposes a systematization of the main technological complexes for the extraction and processing of ores of small-scale deposits, which is distinguished by the separation of the constituent categories of ores, both in the content of the useful component and in the strength characteristics and contrast of quality indicators. When developing complex structural deposits, it is proposed to distinguish technologically homogeneous zones, the selective development of which will reduce the dilution and re-grading of the ore mass. For a deeper level of selection, the authors developed a method for developing ore deposits, providing selective explosive preparation and excavation. Subsequent differentiated processing with the allocation of rich, ordinary and poor ore mass will increase the extraction of metal through the use of technologies appropriate to the characteristics of the ores. The proposed set of measures will reduce the energy intensity of ore preparation processes and reduce the cost of metal extraction, which will allow for more extensive involvement of lean ore mass in processing |
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