Article name Ecological condition of stone quarries in the Apsheron peninsula
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 577.4/47.924
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-4-20-24
Article type
Annotation The Apsheron Peninsula is located in dry subtropical climatic conditions and is one of the unique landscapes of our republic. The soil-plant system distributed here has some potential indicators. The effective use and protection of this potential, a system of continuous measures, the development and implementation of maintaining a harmonious ecosystem function should always be in the foreground. The formation of environmental tension on the Apsheron Peninsula can be prevented. In recent years, in the Apsheron Peninsula, excavations of a mineral deposit have been widely developed. In connection with this, for the extraction of minerals on the peninsula, natural landscapes have been replaced by technogenic landscapes. In recent years, mining is not only widespread on the Apsheron Peninsula, but also throughout the country. On the peninsula, natural landscapes were replaced by technogenic landscapes for mining. Based on the results of the analysis of anthropogenic landscapes, we can say that the composition of the waste has a negative impact on the environment, for example; SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CaO, MgO contains oxides SO3 and K2O. During the preparatory work in the stone quarries taken samples taken in the general analysis were determined by their general chemical composition and also the composition of the incoming heavy metals. The state itself is interested in restoring these landscapes, returning these lands to rural farming is also one of the most important tasks facing the state. According to the results of the conducted physicochemical and agrochemical studies, it was revealed that technical and biological reclamation of dump waste. Given all this, it is important to determine and optimize the environmental situation in the area. The main purpose of this work is to replace the technogenic relief with agro-cultural landscapes
Key words quarry; technogenic landscapes; heavy metals lime; agrochemical research peninsula; landscape; mineral resources; ecosystem; agrolandscapes; microelements
Article information Kamilova N. S. Ecological condition of stone quarries in the Apsheron peninsula // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 20–24. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-4-20-24.
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Full articleEcological condition of stone quarries in the Apsheron peninsula