Article name Scientific and practical principles of formation strategies for sustainable development of the industrial economy
Authors Shamray F.. ,
Balashova, , director of the International Graduate School of Management, , E.. doctor of economic sciences, professor,
Krasovskaya I.. doctor of economic sciences, associate professor,
Malyshev E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.012
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-3-80-89
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to a research of scientific-theoretical and practical-applied bases, priorities, specifics and peculiarities of formation strategy for sustainable development of industry under the conditions of neoclassical economic school. The strategies of front economy of industry, industrial ecotopia, environmental protection, moderate development of industrial economy, sustainable development of industry are interpreted. A comparative characteristic of neoclassical theories of external economic effects, property rights, public choice, and public welfare is presented. The problems of micro- and macroeconomic policies improvement in the field of industrial and economic development of resource-raw goods, relationship of man-made civilization with its habitat, determinicity of socio-economic factors in industry, formation of neo-industrial economic entity of noospheric type have been studied. The author’s definition of the steadily developing economy of industry as an innovative scientific and production activity is presented, based on fundamental theoretical-methodological and practical-applied knowledge, highly skilled human capital, permanent scientific and technological progress and resource-saving technologies that create social and ecological-economic conditions and restrictions on the activities of economic entities of industrial and industrial clusters and the initiation of markets for goods and services of high environmental quality, growth of innovative industrial enterprises and volumes of high-tech products, unlimited development of education and science, stimulation of processes of life activity of society. The foundations of a steadily developing society formation as a post-industrial form of social organization based on the provision of equal opportunities to realize the creative and intellectual potential of people, characterized by intensification of scientific and technological progress in order to improve qualitative and quantitative socio-economic indicators of social development and harmonize its relations with the habitat have been studied
Key words strategy; innovation; economics; industry; sustainable development; science and practice; indicators; environment
Article information Balashova E., Krasovskaya I., Malyshev E., Shamray F. Scientific and practical principles of formation strategies for sustainable development of the industrial economy // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 80–89. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-3-80-89.
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Full articleScientific and practical principles of formation strategies for sustainable development of the industrial economy