Article name Terrorism – a study of the phenomenon and contemporary specifics
Authors Melnikova A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32.019.5+316.6
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-1-108-113
Article type
Annotation The escalation of terrorist activity and the involvement of an increasing number of people in it have made it necessary to study the grounds that push people on the terrorist path. The purpose of the study is to identify socio-cultural causes that may become the basis for a person to join a terrorist organization, as well as to study the technology of actions of terrorist recruiters. The grounds that were characteristic of any time of the existence of terrorism (low-status position of the group to which the individual belongs; its isolation; religious and cultural approval of terror; age predisposition, etc.) are analyzed, and the modern specifics-the phenomenon of cyber Jihad or electronic Jihad are described. When considering cyber Jihad, the author firstly analyzes the use of the Internet by terrorists to create a new image of a terrorist – a fighter for faith and freedom. Secondly, the ways of recruiting new terrorists through social networks are considered in detail. Psychological states, characteristics of the person, political views to which the recruiter pays attention are revealed. The algorithms of actions are analyzed as a whole, from the beginning to the end of the recruitment process, and in relation to a particular state, personality characteristics, and political views. The General scheme of recruitment is revealed, consisting of three stages: 1 – there is a potential victim identification and collection of information about it; 2 –there is an establishment and development of direct contact, including several test tasks; 3 – direct involvement of the person in the organization, transition to real activity in the new status. In the modern recruitment process, Internet resources are actively involved, the potential of which is enterprisingly used to recruit suicide bombers. The development of Internet platforms by terrorists is fraught with danger and actualizes the need to find means for confrontation
Key words terrorism; escalation of terrorism; socio-cultural foundations of terrorism; cyber jihad; Internet recruitment of terrorists; psychology of terrorist recruitment; recruitment; suicide bombers
Article information Melnikova А. Terrorism – a study of the phenomenon and contemporary specifics // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 108–113. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-1-108-113.
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