Article name Research and production cluster as a strategy for the study and integrated use of zeolites in East Transbaikalia
Authors Pavlenko Y.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 553.61
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-1-23-33
Article type
Annotation On the eve of the XXI century in Eastern Transbaikalia, pursuant to the state “Food Program of the USSR until 1990”, specialized geological research made a major discovery – in the extreme south-eastern part an abnormally high concentration of zeolite mineralization has been established, the resource potential of which is several times higher than that of the rest of Russia. Dozens of manifestations of zeolite-containing rocks (CPU, hereinafter zeolites) have been identified, several potential deposits have been evaluated; priority areas of very large Shivyrtuy and Kholinsky deposits have been explored in detail. Industrial stocks of high-quality zeolites, capable of meeting the needs of the country for several centuries, in the new economic conditions of the country have been “forgotten”. It is striking that during the period of rapid development of scientific and technological progress zeolites – “intellectual minerals of the XXI century”, designed to be on the “edge” of technological development of more than 40 industries, agriculture, as well as improvement of environmental measures are simply not in demand. Among the reasons the main one is the information vacuum – zeolites are known to a limited number of persons skilled in the art. Natural zeolites have been studied very selectively today, and regulatory documents for their use have either become obsolete or have not been developed at all. Of the seven mineral species capable of forming industrial concentrations, only clinoptilolites have been studied quite fully. Unpredictable, original, very specific properties of natural clinoptilolite make it possible to claim that zeolites represent a transitional substance from non-living matter to living matter. This mysterious feature of them is attractive both for very knowledge-intensive physical-chemical, medical-biological and other exact sciences, and is promising in the creation of exotic materials, technologies on nano- and lower level. The revolutionary results of research have opened up wide prospects for use in world practice. However, they are possible only with a different, more advanced, “individual” organization of study and practical implementation of research of raw materials of multipurpose use. Strategically verified and organizational and promising is the creation of a regional scientific and production cluster, combining scattered target areas of research into a single knowledge-intensive system consisting of geologists, builders, chemists, physicists, doctors, veterinary scientists, biologists, technologists and other specialists
Key words natural zeolites; deposits; reserves; properties of zeolites; relevance of study; medical and biological properties; use of zeolites; scientific and production cluster; East Transbaikalia; Shivyrtuy and Kholinsky deposits
Article information Pavlenko Yu. Research and production cluster as a strategy for the study and integrated use of zeolites in East Transbaikalia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2020, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 23–33. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2020-26-1-23-33.
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Full articleResearch and production cluster as a strategy for the study and integrated use of zeolites in East Transbaikalia