Article name Strategy of the ship-building industry innovative development
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338.242
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-10-112-119
Article type Scientific
Annotation The authors offer an innovative development of the ship-building industry for the marine transport and marine facilities development in the conditions of the sanctions imposed against Russia. The problem of the marine transport and marine facilities development facing Russia should be solved based on the basic principle of strategic planning – from the future to the present, which fundamentally differs from the principle of long-term planning – from the past to the future. Strategic planning of the efficient functioning development of the shipbuilding industry of the Russian Federation is based on the selection of investment projects aimed at achieving future expected results. It is noted that the shipbuilding is the systemically important industry and promotes growth of economy due to multiplicative effect. The example of the ship-building complex in Primorye on providing consumers with hi-tech innovative products is given. The priorities of the offered strategy dictated are specified: The state defense order, active steps in the directions of the Arctic zone development, offshore fields development, SMR development, as national and world transport artery, growth of popularity of internal tourism which took place against the background of depreciation of the ruble in relation to world currencies, the condition of the passenger river and cruise fleet caused by physical and moral obsolescence, decrease in depth and extent with the guaranteed dimensions of the ship course of internal waterways and need of the inland water transport potential development capable to provide low cost of transportations especially as for a number of regions such transport has no alternative, a problem of ensuring food security due to construction of harvesting vessels for production, processing and transportation of seafood. General purpose of strategy: structural transformation of the ship-building industry promoting obtaining the synergetic effect, providing social and economic development of the Russian Federation and competitive advantages of domestic production and services in the field of ship-building and ship repair in the world market. The purposes, tasks and indicators according to stages of the real strategy are given in a tabular form. The expected results of the offered strategy realization are presented
Key words marine transport; development strategy; shipbuilding; industry; import substitution; effect; planning; investments; project; industry
Article information Abramov A., Volostnyh V. Strategy of the ship-building industry innovative development // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 112–119. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-10-112-119.
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