Article name Healthcare and state of morbidity populations of the Transbaikal region: marker of social deprivation
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 614.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-10-62-83
Article type Scientific
Annotation The health of the population has a significant impact on the quality of life, its ability to work, is one of the factors for the effective economy development. The study of regional trends and factors in the incidence of the population actualizes scientific research in the field of modern health problems. The article is devoted to the social and institutional transformation of the modern healthcare system of the Transbaikal Region. The solution of the problem was carried out on the basis of the application of general scientific research methods in the framework of comparative, logical and statistical analyzes. The medical and demographic indicators of the health of the population of the Transbaikal Region, the overall incidence of the adult population, life expectancy at birth, health indicators of children and adolescents, infant and maternal mortality, and mortality rates from major socially significant diseases were evaluated. The structure of socially significant diseases, the structure of the causes of infant mortality and dynamics of changes in the infant mortality rate, the structure of diseases associated with injuries were revealed in 2018. In the context of municipalities of the Transbaikal Region, the territorial differentiation of two medico-demographic indicators is given: infant mortality rates (according to the criterion of relation to the modal interval) and the indicator of medical personnel provision. 24 % of municipal districts fit into the modal interval (6 ... 7 ‰), 35 % correspond to the indicator below the modal, 41% above the municipal formations. In terms of the provision of medical personnel, eight municipal districts fit into the modal range of 18 ... 21 medical personnel with a modal value of 20,5 units, five below it, sixteen above. According to the indicators of infrastructural support for healthcare activities, the position of the Transbaikal Region in 2018 is better than the average for the Russian Federation, and in terms of the sum of rating values (63), the Region takes the second place after the Amur Region (49), which position is significantly better than of the Irkutsk region (81) and the Republic of Buryatia (108). The generally unfavourable state of healthcare in the Transbaikal Region is associated with an extremely weak provision of healthcare expenses for the region’s consolidated budget; an acute problem is extremely unsatisfactory mortality rates from major socially significant diseases. A serious problem remains. The diseases are associated with injuries, with a fixed decline in injuries, and it remains the leading one in the overall structure of the incidence
Key words Transbaikal Region; population health indicators; adult morbidity; incidence of children and adolescents; infant mortality; maternal mortality; socially significant diseases; disease structure; modal interval; medical staff; infrastructure support
Article information Romanov V., Romanova I. Healthcare and state of morbidity populations of the Transbaikal region: marker of social deprivation // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 10, pp. 62–83. DOI: 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-10-62-83.
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Full articleHealthcare and state of morbidity populations of the Transbaikal region: marker of social deprivation