Authors Romanov V.. ,
Romanova N.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 338.48
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-8-52-71
Article type scientific
Annotation Introduction. The article is devoted to an urgent problem of a media image formation of administrative-territorial bodies of the country on the example of the Transbaikal Region. The views about factors, channels, forms and ways of forming the image of the territory, the account and knowledge of which will contribute to the creation of a positive image of the region are becoming more relevant today. In the article the essence of the concepts “media image” and “image” of the region is revealed; their distinction is given. The purpose of the work is identification of the main regularities and trends of the organization by the regional online editions of news information content and the forecast of possible reactions of audience to this information in general, promoting a media image formation of the Transbaikal Region. An object of the research are news headings of regional online editions, their role in a media image formation is shown. Materials and methods. The main research method is a content analysis. More than 5 thousand news headings of the regional online editions, selected during 2017 from three main information Internet media channels of the Transbaikal Region, have formed the empirical base of the research: city portal,, Research results. Differentiation of all news information massifs into 15 categories is carried out: power, law, emergencies, crime, production, agriculture, business, social sphere, housing and public utilities, society, health care, education, science, sport, culture. The main content of the research is the analysis of each category from a position of its influence on the formed media image. The influence on a media image of the Transbaikal Region of subimages of the city manager and the governor are investigated. The characterization of the work of management of information policy of the governor on the media image formation of the region is given. The contribution of the category “crime”, occupying the highest rating by quantity of news in a news feed, to a media image formation is analyzed in details. Journalistic forms of presenting household crime are investigated. Conclusion. The developed hypothesis that the formed media image of the Transbaikal Region does not promote its perception as a favorable region for formation to it a positive interest from the public, business and also domestic and foreign investors is confirmed. The practical significance of the study is to obtain an objective view of the current state of media perception of the Transbaikal Region. The article can be useful for the media information channels of the Transbaikal region, as well as for the governor\'s department for interaction with the media
Key words Introduction. The article is devoted to an urgent problem of a media image formation of administrative-territorial bodies of the country on the example of the Transbaikal Region. The views about factors, channels, forms and ways of forming the image of the territory, the account and knowledge of which will contribute to the creation of a positive image of the region are becoming more relevant today. In the article the essence of the concepts “media image” and “image” of the region is revealed; their distinction is given. The purpose of the work is identification of the main regularities and trends of the organization by the regional online editions of news information content and the forecast of possible reactions of audience to this information in general, promoting a media image formation of the Transbaikal Region. An object of the research are news headings of regional online editions, their role in a media image formation is shown. Materials and methods. The main research method is a content analysis. More than 5 thousand news headings of the regional online editions, selected during 2017 from three main information Internet media channels of the Transbaikal Region, have formed the empirical base of the research: city portal,, Research results. Differentiation of all news information massifs into 15 categories is carried out: power, law, emergencies, crime, production, agriculture, business, social sphere, housing and public utilities, society, health care, education, science, sport, culture. The main content of the research is the analysis of each category from a position of its influence on the formed media image. The influence on a media image of the Transbaikal Region of subimages of the city manager and the governor are investigated. The characterization of the work of management of information policy of the governor on the media image formation of the region is given. The contribution of the category “crime”, occupying the highest rating by quantity of news in a news feed, to a media image formation is analyzed in details. Journalistic forms of presenting household crime are investigated. Conclusion. The developed hypothesis that the formed media image of the Transbaikal Region does not promote its perception as a favorable region for formation to it a positive interest from the public, business and also domestic and foreign investors is confirmed. The practical significance of the study is to obtain an objective view of the current state of media perception of the Transbaikal Region. The article can be useful for the media information channels of the Transbaikal region, as well as for the governor\'s department for interaction with the media
Article information Romanov V., Romanova N. News headings of regional online editions as means of media image formation of Transbaikal region // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no.8, pp.52-71
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