Authors Drobotushenko E.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 2-9.322.2
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-8-32-39
Article type scientific
Annotation By analyzing archival sources, normative documents, and available scientific publications, the permanent central and local commissions for the consideration of religious issues are characterized as an independent institution of the religious policy mechanism of the USSR, which was introduced in the early 1930\'s. The research is based on the files of the State Archive of the Russian Federation (SARF). The author notes that this aspect, to a certain extent, has become the subject of scientific historical analysis, and there are a number of publications describing the activities of the Commission. At the same time, there is no complete, comprehensive history of both central and local commissions’ existence, and the authors of the available studies only partially characterize the functionality and structure of commissions. This is especially true for the lower local level. According to the author, it is important that the commissions were not assessed as an institute and instrument of religious policy, but were examined from the point of view of stating the facts of their activities. The main conclusion of the study was that, despite the atheistic and anti-religious policy in the country, the Soviet authorities were aware of the need to establish a special state authority to address religious issues. The Permanent Central Commission became a kind of prototype of the later created Councils for the Russian Orthodox Church and Religious Denominations, and since 1965, the Council on Religious Affairs under the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Local commissions are a prototype of the authorized councils in the regions of the RSFSR and the union republics. The main difference is in the bright repressive orientation of both the permanent central and local commissions for the consideration of religious issues. For the period of their activity there was a stage of active closing of still operating prayer houses, temples and monasteries. This problem requires serious further study. This is especially true of the regional component, which is still relatively poorly studied
Key words Keywords: religion; government; society; religious policy; mechanism of policy; institution; religious situation; religious issues; permanent Central Commission for religious issues resolution; local commissions
Article information Drobotushenko E. Permanent central and local commissions for the consideration of religious issues as institutions of religious policy of the Soviet State // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no.8, pp.32-39
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