Authors Cin D.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 327
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-6-91-100
Article type scientific
Annotation Military-political cooperation between Russia and China is an important component of the Russian-Chinese strategic partnership, as well as a necessary addition to political-diplomatic cooperation. The Russian Far East is located in Northeast Asia, where the security situation is aggravated by such complex issues as the US military presence, the nuclear problem of the Korean peninsula, territorial disputes, and most likely in the future will only get more complicated. The author relies on a wide range of literature and sources in three languages: Russian, English and Chinese. Thus, in preparing this work, it was possible to take into account the opinion of experts and officials representing different countries and adhering to different views. This article examines the strategic partnership of Russia and China in Northeast Asia from the point of view of its military-political component. Russian-Chinese cooperation in Northeast Asia is an important component of ensuring international stability and security in the region. The cooperation of the two powers is based on searching and finding common approaches to solving problems of regional security. The military-political partnership between the two countries is expressed in different forms. Among them are regular contacts of high-ranking military directors, deliveries of military equipment, as well as bilateral and multilateral military exercises. Joint Russian-Chinese military exercises in Northeast Asia have an obvious symbolic meaning – they demonstrate that both countries are ready, if necessary, to give a joint rebuff against the aggressive actions of other states in this region. Mutual support and coordination of both states in such complex issues as the problem of the Korean Peninsula shows that the military-political interests of the two countries in NEA coincide in many respects
Key words Key words: military-political cooperation; joint military exercises; Russia; China; Russian Far East; Northeast Asia; Russian-Chinese strategic partnership; Russian-Chinese cooperation concerning security issues on the Korean Peninsula; interaction between Russia and China concerning territorial disputes with Japan; strategic stability in NEA
Article information Cin Dung Russian-Chinese military-political cooperation in Northeast Asia as a component of strategic partnership // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 6, pp.91-100
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