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The problem of increasing the efficiency and legitimacy of public authorities’ decisions is relevant for the majority of Russian regions. Omsk region is no exception. The documents of strategic planning at the level of Omsk region include measures to inform citizens about the activities of local governments, improve the quality of “feedback”, the development of public discussion platforms, which meets the basic principles of the deliberative democracy concept. It is impossible to achieve the objectives and develop proposals to improve the efficiency of management decisions at the local level without assessing the current state of the citizens’ participation forms functioning in the implementation of local self-government. To carry out such an assessment, the author conducted an absentee survey of heads, municipal employees and residents of the relevant municipalities in the 31 districts of the Omsk region. The results of the survey allowed to identify the most used and effective citizens’ participation forms in the implementation of local government, the reasons for which these performance indicators have been achieved, as well as possible reasons for the lack of efficiency of other forms, to develop proposals for improving the efficiency of these forms, including using the experience of foreign countries. The study showed insufficient effectiveness of the public councils’ institutions in the Omsk region in terms of the political functions implementation that are successfully implemented in the territories of other subjects of the Russian Federation. This fact also indicates the need for measures to improve the political potential of these institutions. It is noted that the study was conducted mainly taking into account the possibility of the most complete implementation of the deliberative democracy concept in the territories of rural settlements of the Omsk region, where the authorities, taking into account the population, can provide an open dialogue with local residents. The proposals developed in the course of the study, if implemented, can improve the local governance effectiveness. |
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