Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 561:551.76/571.55
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-5-37-48
Article type scientific
Annotation The Chita-Ingoda Basin of Transbaikalia is made by terrigenous deposits, and Chernovsky and other coal deposits are limited to it. The deposits of the basin are divided into the Doroninskaya coalless and Tigninskaya coal-bearing formations, containing a variety of Jurassic-Cretaceous organic remains dominated by plant ones. The unique in biodiversity locality of plant remains was found on the left side of the Zhereyka stream on the southern slopes of Krasnaya Gorka (722,9) and is represented by thalli of liverworts; stems and root system of horsetails; pinnules of ferns; leaves of Czekanowskia, Bennettitales, Ginkgoites, and conifers; numerous seeds, cones and shoots (burial types of merocenosis, phyllocenosis, carpocenosis). The variegated color of the deposits is due to the underground ignition of the coal and the transformation of the rocks into burnt clay. The formation of plant remains’ burials makes out two forms of intravital disintegration: traumatic one is expressed in seasonal leaf fall, slight relocation of plant material and pest pressure in the form of cecidiums, bites and ovipositors. The second form is physiological one. It is associated with reproduction in the form of seed fall, shoots, brachyblasts, and strobila. The combined occurrence of two forms of intravital disintegration in burials, often with a predominance of traumatic one in the form of needle fall (phyllocenosis), has been established. The dominance of sandy siltstones as enclosing rock (about 8 beds) containing various groups of plants was established for the Krasnaya Gorka plant locality. Interbeds of siltstones and argillites with allochthonous and autochthonous types of burials are rare. Vegetative detritus and fragments of coarse woody remains (xylocenosis) were found in sandstones. The catena of the Jurassic plant aggregations of Kamenka (Donbass) was for the first time used as a standard pattern to mark out the catena according to the plant associations of Krasnaya Gorka. The community of catenas is demonstrated by similar sequence of plant aggregations and by the presence of general dominants. The difference is expressed in the appearance of other genera (for example, Baiera), the lakeside chaparral of Podosamites and Desmiophyllum, as well as a significant number of reproductive organs
Key words Key words: Chita-Ingoda Basin; Doroninskaya Formation; Tigninskaya Formation; Krasnaya Gorka; plant association; burnt clays; merocenosis; Chernovskaya catena
Article information Sinitsa S., Vasilenko E., Vilmova E. Jurassic-Cretaceous Vegetation of Krasnaya Gorka (Chernovskie Kopy, Transbaikalia) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 5, pp.37-48
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