Authors Stelmashenko O.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 331
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-3-124-137
Article type scientific
Annotation The article presents the labor market and employment statistics in the Transbaikal Region over a two-year period. The subject of work is an assessment of the economic and social results of state support measures in the field of employment. The author used methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis at the empirical and theoretical levels of research, content analysis of the scientific publications and data classification; comparison; mathematical and statistical data-processing methods; comparative analysis of absolute and relative statistical indicators. The purpose of the research is a comprehensive analysis of the Transbaikal Region’s employment service’s measures in the field of labor market and employment. The author attempted to assess the effectiveness and significance of “Employment programme over 2014–2020 period” in the Transbaikal Region. The article covers the issues of labor market’s regulation, employment rate and further ways of labor market’s development in the Transbaikal Region. The article reveals the basis for further research in the field of labor market and human resource management as required by the current economic situation in the Russian Federation. As a result, the author concluded that “Employment programme” was fully realized despite the funding gap from the regional budget. The labor market was stabilized in 2018. The main tasks of the Transbaikal Region’s Government are to decrease the registered unemployment level and increase the job-seekers employment level
Key words Key words: labor market; employment; unemployment level; employment; vacancy; economically active population; labor activity; employment services; labor force; rating of regions
Article information Stelmashenko O. Economic analysis of the Transbaikal Region’s labor market (2016–2017) // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 3, pp.124-137
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