Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 323
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-3-78-83
Article type scientific
Annotation The article is devoted to such technologies of the Russian national-state identity formation as the historical policy and “symbolic design”. National-state identity is described as an integrated image of “us”, “ours”, which is a complex political, psychological and socio-cultural construct, the dynamics of which is due to both the transformation of the political system of Russia and a wide range of historical, cultural and psychological factors. It is noted that the historical policy as a complex technology for the formation of national-state identity is a systematic activity of national political elites, the political and administrative structures which manage to form and maintain certain historical ideas in society. In the 2000–2010s in Russia, systematic efforts were made in the field of “symbolic design” – formation of a “symbolic pantheon” of national memory. Considerable attention is also paid to national holidays: attempts to fill them with distinct semantic and symbolic content. However, (as the examples of the Day of Russia and the Day of National Unity show), such attempts are not always successful. Analyzing historical politics and “symbolic design” in contemporary Russia, we can remark that today these key technologies for the formation of Russian identity are characterized by such disadvantages as weak institutional organization, reactive application, cognitive amorphism, internal inconsistency of symbolic field. Special attention is paid to the role of historical politics in the context of the modern geopolitical “agenda” transformation characterized by the exacerbation of “historical conflicts” in the world, escalation of “wars of memory” in the post-Soviet space. It is noted that the “war of memory”, numerous “historical claims”, addressed to Russia, imply not only the emotional component, but also a bright cognitive aspect, “struggle for meanings” and other content components of the image of the past
Key words Key words: national-state identity; political technologies; image of “us”; historical policy; policy of memory; national memory; “memory wars”, self-identification patterns; “symbolic policy”, “symbolic design”
Article information Titov V. Political technologies of the national-state identity formation in contemporary Russia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 3, pp.78-83
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