Authors Kiryushin A.. ,
Maskaykin V.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI [551.332](470.345)
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-3-12-21
Article type scientific
Annotation The article describes the methodological and methodological aspects of the multi-plannable quantitative analysis of intercomponent relations, which lead to the formation of territorial landscape structures of regional order. The methodology of sequential construction of systems of different hierarchical level is used. The application of methods of non-parametric and parametric statistics, in combination with GIS-oriented technologies, allows to significantly expand the possibilities of exploring intercomponent relations. For the selected three-factor space, by the multidimensional scaling method, the integer dimension of the geographical space is estimated as equal to three. With the help of this method, as well as regression analysis, the interpretation of the physical meaning of the obtained factors, that determine the structure of natural territorial complexes, is given. It was demonstrated that the structure of the NTC of Mordovia is described within the framework of three factors, largely independent of each other. The first, leading factor, is determined, mainly, by geological-geomorphological variables. The second factor displays the scheme of the hydrologic cycle. The third factor, first of all, characterizes the temperature variables, and, to the greatest extent, winter ones. The combination of these variables in a single system occurs through vegetation and, to a lesser extent, through absolute height. The resulting factor model also makes it possible to construct discrete and (or) continuous spatial models of the NTC of Mordovia
Key words Key words: system; structure; variable; natural territorial complex; landscape; methods of nonparametric and parametric statistics; dimensionality of space; factor model; basic factors; discreteness; continuity; geoecology
Article information Kiryushin A., Maskaykin V., Kiryushin V. System-statistical analysis of the structure of the NTC of Mordovia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 3, pp.12-21
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