Authors Ilichev I.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 330.332:630
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-2-127-134
Article type scientific
Annotation The forest industry is quite capital-intensive, which cannot but affect the competitiveness of innovative projects, and management of their competitiveness. In this regard, the management of the competitiveness of innovative projects in the forest industry is carried out in the absence of “readiness” and “susceptibility” of the industry to innovation. According to the authors, innovative projects in the forest industry are currently being implemented in conditions that do not meet the industry\'s readiness for innovative development. As the main criteria that should be subject to evaluation in the management of the competitiveness of innovative projects in the forest industry, the authors offer internal and external points of support for the competitiveness of the innovative project. The point of support for the competitiveness of an innovative project is a circumstance that has developed in favor of this innovative project at this point in time (stage of the life cycle), thanks to which the chances of success of the analyzed innovative project are increased.Internal points of support are the circumstances of its internal environment, external – the circumstances of its external environment. Also, according to the authors, the most important criterion for analyzing the management of the competitiveness of an innovative project is an indicator of the effectiveness and competitiveness of the project in the future. In this regard, according to the authors, for each innovative project its own management methodology should be developed, taking into account its individual characteristics
Key words Keywords:management; competitiveness; strategy; innovations; innovative project; innovation potential; forest sector; structure of the forest industry; innovative potential of forestry sector; internal and external environment of innovation project
Article information Bunkovsky V., Ilichev I. Features of management of competitiveness innovative projects in the foresty sector // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 127-134
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