Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 005. 331
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-2-88-95
Article type scientific
Annotation The understanding that the current processes taking place in Russia has generated a whole series of fundamentally new phenomena that affect the problem of the effectiveness of realizing human potential, increasing its creative abilities and ways to activate them is being updated. It is shown that in modern conditions the problem of human resource management, forecasting its results, and the use of innovative management technologies are of particular importance. The attention was focused on the fact that managerial activity received a new impetus to development in response to the demands of developing production, when, in order to increase its efficiency, the staff\'s efforts required a rational use of human potential. The individual qualities of the employees are discussed, as well as the factors that the manager must take into account in order to optimize the use of human potential. The individual approach to personnel required in modern conditions requires taking into account and selecting for each employee a form of activity on the pace of work, tension, and temperament peculiarities. The social role of the individual as an element of its structure is discussed. Ignoring the individual qualities of employees, the characteristics of their role-playing behavior can lead to conflicts in the workforce. The types of management activities (rationalization, separation and regulation of roles) that can significantly reduce role tensions and role conflicts are considered. It is shown that effective human resource management requires the identification of factors affecting the level of employee claims within the framework of the relevant production role, in particular, employees\' claims regarding wages. In conclusion, it is concluded that in modern conditions new approaches in human resource management are required, where an employee is considered in the totality of his qualitative characteristics
Key words Key words: human resources; human potential; management; controlling influence; organization personnel; individual qualities of an employee; temperament; abilities; inclinations; social role; production role; role requirements; role tension; role conflicts; role claims
Article information Romanova N. Human resource management as a form use of human potential // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 88-95
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