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The article describes the attitude of students of Samara universities to power based on the survey data and interviews. This topic is very relevant, because the solution of strategic tasks of any state is closely connected with the attitude of the authorities with population, and especially with the youth, as the most active part of the population. The main research methods were the comparative analysis method and special sociological research methods. A comparative analysis of the results of surveys and interviews with the results of surveys of the Public Opinion Foundation is given. A qualitative content analysis of the motives that determine the political behavior of Samara student youth and their electoral activity is presented. The level of trust in the authorities among students of Samara universities, the willingness to interact with authorities and the nature of this interaction, as well as the image of the power, that has developed in the minds of the young people interviewed, are considered. It was revealed that the so-called “apoliticality” of young people is not associated with age. Young people are quite actively interested in the political processes, taking place both in the country and in the world. The aforementioned “apoliticality” is connected to a greater degree with a negative attitude towards the representatives of the authorities as a whole, as well as with a number of stereotypes, prevailing in society and affecting the perception of power in general. The negative image of power, broadcast by some media and the actions of some representatives of the authorities, lead young people to political negativity and nihilism. It can also be argued that this position is associated with a low level of political culture and socialization. The main conclusions were recommendations for the correction of youth policy and the curriculum of educational institutions in order to educate in the field of policy and the prevention of extremist attitudes |
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