Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 323.22/28
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-2-63-71
Article type scientific
Annotation The article presents an analysis of the parties and the party system of modern Russia. Parties and their relations in the party system are an indicator of the state of the political system and political regime. The stages and conditions of the emergence of parties, their importance in the political process are outlined. Political science methods, general scientific methods, classification method in the framework of the structural-functional approach are used. In this study, parties and the party system are classified on various grounds: the number of parties, ideological orientation and temperament, attitude to social reality, participation in the political process, as well as the opposition is typologized. In addition, the author refers to the regulatory framework governing the activities of parties: the laws governing the activities of parties are considered in terms of their compliance with democratic principles. The analysis has revealed that the laws, in general, comply with democratic principles. However, parties often only imitate the functions assigned to them. This happens for reasons discussed in more detail in the article: political elite plays a huge role in party building; division of parties on the ideological spectrum is not of great importance today, since the democratic regime allows smoothing the “sharp corners” by legal means of participation in the political process; in the relationship of power and society continues to prevail paternalism; political discourse is mainly around the figure of the President, which reduces the importance of other political institutions, the opposition is represented both in parliament and outside it: parliamentary – continues the course of the party in power, and extra-parliamentary operates, often as semi-legal. Thus, a stable multi-party majority non-competitive system is emerging in Russia. The results of the research can be applied in the further study of these institutions, in the educational process, as well as in the improvement of Russian legislation and other conditions of the political system
Key words Key words: parties; party system; classification; functions; State Duma; opposition; ideology; political temperament; social reality; Russia
Article information Gaysina A. Political parties and the party system of Russia: on the issue of classification // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 63-71
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