Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI [56+551.7]:550/8/528
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-2-34-43
Article type scientific
Annotation Caliches or calcareous tuffs were found in Prishilkinskaya depression of Transbaikalia, on the right edge of the Bichektuy small river valley in the valley bottom of Averikha one, 500 m above its mouth. Usually, caliches are formed as a result of the concentrating of calcium carbonate, which enters with groundwater aquifers by capillary rise. Calcium carbonate could accumulate as a result of dissolution of marls and shell limestones of Turga suite by groundwater, represented on the left and right edges of Bichektuy small river valley in the area of the mouth of Averikha one. Caliches occur in arid climates where rains and dry seasons are interchanged. There was a drought period in Transbaikalia within the space of 2003–2017, so most of the tributaries of Shilka River, streams and springs ran dry. The salinity of the remaining waters increased sharply and Caliche unites (calcareous tuffs), which are not typical for the region, appeared on the periodically restored springs. Multilayered encrustations caused by periodic dissolution and deposition of calcareous crusts are typical for caliches of Averikha small river valley. The color of caliches is white or brown and depends on impurities. There are “young” and “old” caliches. “Young” ones are white, fragile, and silt. “Old” caliches prevail in Averikha location. They are characterized by dark coloring, layer-by-layer encrustation, high density and rare lumpy texture. In Averikha small river valley caliches overlie calcareous sandy substance with maximum thickness up to 25…30 cm and extent up to 20 m down the small river valley thalweg. Four types of caliches were established: four-, three- and double-layer, encrusted with layered or lumpy formations of calc-spar
Key words Key words: Bichektuy; Averikha; Caliches; cereals; lichens; gastropods; encrustations; calc-spar; young caliches; old caliches
Article information Sinitsa S., Filenko R., Vasilenko E., Wilmova E. First finding of holocene caliches in Transbaikalia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 34-43
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