Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 662.7. 550.42
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-2-26-33
Article type scientific
Annotation General information on rare and trace elements, clark content of these elements in the earth\'s crust and localization of elevated concentrations of these elements in the coals of Russia and the world are given. The data concerning the presence and content of gallium, germanium and beryllium in the fossil coals of Transbaikalia, the Far East, Kuzbass and other regions of Russia are presented. The main types of gallium distribution depending on their location in the components of coal – organic and mineral parts are identified. The values of the average content of gallium and germanium, distribution of the concentration of these elements, as well as the ash content of coal and extraction of germanium and gallium, organic and mineral matter of coal, depending on the density of fossil coal fractions are presented. The article shows the demand for gallium in industry and use of energy coals as a source of gallium. The prospects of fossil coals of the Transbaikal region as a mineral resource base of gallium, beryllium and uranium are shown. The data on the content of beryllium in brown and coal deposits of Transbaikalia, some areas of Central Asia and the world are given. The characteristic of the Transbaikal metallogenic province on uranium mineralization and its influence on the content of natural radionuclides and uranium in fossil coals is given. The necessity of a detailed study of the coal of the Transbaikal region, in particular the South Argun coal-bearing area, on rare and trace elements for using them as a complex mineral raw material is described. It is noted that some areas of the Transbaikal fields contain high concentrations of niobium, strontium and boron, but the assessment of reserves and prospects for extraction require special studies
Key words Key words: rare and trace elements; fossil coals; ash; gallium; beryllium; uranium; germanium; distribution of elements; concentration; extraction
Article information Cidorova G. P., Yakimov A. A., Ovcharenko N. V., Gushchina T. O. Rare and trace elements in coals of Transbaikalia // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 2, pp.26-33
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