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The analysis of the functioning and development of power supply systems in isolated regions of Russia is given. Various features that lead to a low level of reliability of energy supply to consumers in the northern territories of the country are identified. It has been revealed that the increase of energy efficiency of the closed territories is possible due to the use of non-traditional renewable energy sources. The use of renewable energy sources (RES) in underdeveloped territories has become a priority for the development of the developed countries of the world. A promising growth point for the development of renewable energy in the Russian regions can be considered to meet the needs of autonomous consumers. In a situation, where only 40 % of the territory of Russia is provided with centralized energy, renewable energy can be considered a serious alternative to the “northern delivery” – transportation of energy resources to remote areas. It is noted that for autonomous farms remote from centralized power grids, renewable energy is an advantage. The introduction of an energy alternative is beneficial from a social, economic and environmental point of view.
For the implementation of projects, based on the use of renewable energy in the region, a mechanism has been developed for introducing energy-efficient projects based on renewable energy sources. The proposed mechanism for the implementation of energy-efficient projects, based on renewable energy sources includes a sequence of seven stages, allows you to cover the entire list of works in the region, as well as to organize effective management of the implementation of renewable energy projects in the region. The use of a mechanism for introducing energy-efficient projects, based on renewable energy sources, allows creating tools that ensure effective management of a continuous process of implementing projects according to a pre-planned scenario, improves the quality of life among the population, efficiently organizes managerial work, and also minimizes the costs associated with the costs of managing them
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