Article |
Article name |
Authors |
Nikonov R.. candidate of pedagogical sciences, director, rusnikonov@mail.ruZhukova A.A. , Romanova I.V. doctor of social sciences, |
Bibliographic description |
Category |
Politology |
340.1(094) |
10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-1-62-71 |
Article type |
scientific |
Annotation |
Article is devoted to the analysis of transformation processes in education which lead to understanding that the person has to be ready to creation of a dialogue with representatives of other cultures in the conditions of intensive cultural transformations. As shows contents of article, pupils have a need of formation of skills and abilities of cross-cultural orientation that becomes a factor of public integration and stabilization. The authors prove that the leading role in it belongs to the function aimed at providing communication of pupils within the general education which becomes the rule of cross-cultural education capable to provide training of each subject of education. In the article arguments in favor of justification of the fact that socialization of the personality, which is shown as an ability to define borders between the inter-subjective vital world of a child and other vital worlds, has to become a task of cross-cultural educational space are adduced. Emergence of the synergetic effect accompanying with an exit of a special energy formation, the birth of new values, realization of readiness for cooperation, mutual recognition, mitigation of positions, connection of various orientations, mutual understanding and mutual respect as a result of this task realization. In general, the application of the techniques, based on technologies of cross-cultural educational space, has led to the development of a pupil’s identity, who gains qualities of potentially special, unique culture as special infinite world of possible transformations |
Key words |
Key words: intercultural educational space; dialogue of cultures; cultural transformations; intercultural orientation; general education; socialization of an individual; state policy; student communication; life world; cooperation |
Article information |
Nikonov R., Zhukova A., Romanova I. Peculiarities of the state policy in the intercultural educational framework // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 25, no. 1, pp.62-71 |
References |
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