Authors Beydina T.. ,
Beidin S.. ,
Kukharsky A.. ,
Novikova A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 11.15.45
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2019-25-1-37-45
Article type scientific
Annotation The organizational, legal and personnel issues of municipalities functioning are analyzed. At the present stage, there is a need to create a scientific basis with the aim of developing sound personnel policy for the practice of personnel management of the municipal service. It is noted that the importance of municipal service professionalization is related to the fact that society needs an efficient and professionally working apparatus. The study of the processes taking place in the municipal service is necessary for finding the most appropriate alternatives and ways to increase its effectiveness. It is indicated that the modernization of the system of training, retraining and advanced training involves personnel changes in the municipal service. The organizational and legal systems of local self-government suggest a return to direct democracy based on smart systems of state and municipal government. It is noted that in direct democracy, citizens directly make and execute decisions. The authors draw attention to the fact that the civilian population with such a political organization is directly responsible for the adoption and implementation of decisions. Suggestions for decisions can come from individuals as well as from groups such as parties and associations. The advantage of such a democracy is indicated, which consists in the rapid formulation and solution of the problem. Unlike representative democracy, the direct one is devoid of such problems as corruption, struggle for power and finance. As a drawback, its complex use in large areas is indicated, since it takes a lot of time to coordinate and conduct elections. By addressing this shortcoming, democracy has developed into e-democracy. It is concluded that information and communication technologies have a great influence on the development of direct democracy. This contributes to reducing corruption, election fraud, and citizen participation in decision-making discussions
Key words Key words: local government; Russia; personnel policy; personnel Management; modernization; training; e-democracy; Transbaikal region; public administration; municipal government
Article information T. Beydin, S. Beydin, A. Kukharsky, A. Novikova Local government in the Russian Federation: organizational, legal and personnel issues // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2019, vol. 25, no. 1, pp.37-45
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