Article name Formation of a regional policy of sustainable development in Russia
Authors Masserov D.. ,
Kustov M.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 332.142.6
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-8-128-136
Article type scientific
Annotation It was noted that the balance of equilibrium in the state, its integrity and progressive development can be ensured only if the regional specifics, an effective regional policy are taken into account. This necessitated the development of a methodology for the formation and implementation of regional sustainable development policies as an instrument for the transition to sustainable development at the regional level. For a deeper understanding of the content of regional sustainable development policy, its significance and advantages, in order to summarize the existing experience in the formation and implementation of regional policy, its adaptation to socio-economic conditions (taking into account the features of sustainable development), a study was conducted of the content of regional sustainable development policy. The existing foreign experience in the formation and implementation of regional policy for its use in the formation of conditions for the sustainable development of the regions of the Russian Federation are analyzed. Based on the analysis of existing approaches to the formation of regional policies (spatio-temporal, genetic, geosystem, reproduction, problem approaches), a new approach to managing regional development is proposed – an approach from the point of view of the region\'s sustainable development. The content of the concept of “region” is concretized through the prism of sustainable development. The features of the regions’ development that determine its future functioning are revealed. The definition of a regional sustainable development policy has been formulated. The authors consider it as a mutually agreed purposeful activity of state and regional government bodies and local self-government to ensure the conditions for balancing the economic, social and environmental spheres of the region in accordance with the strategic guidelines of its development
Key words Key words: sustainable development; socio-economic problems; regional policy; geosystem approach; environment; region; effectiveness of regional policy; analysis; approaches; technique
Article information Masserov D., Kustov M. FORMATION OF A REGIONAL POLICY OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN RUSSIA // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 8, pp.
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Full articleFormation of a regional policy of sustainable development in Russia