Article name Discrepancy of strategies between the energy development strategies of the Russian Federation and the European union beginning since the mid-2000s under the influence of russian-ukrainian gas crises
Authors Drue M.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 32 327
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-8-76-85
Article type scientific
Annotation In this article several key examples of the divergence of the energy development strategies of the Russian Federation and the European Union since the mid-2000s, which occurred under the influence of Russia\'s aggressive foreign and energy policy in the understanding of the European partners, especially the first Russian-Ukrainian gas crises, are analyzed. The author emphasizes that the problem of energy security and energy dependence of European countries from a single energy supplier has acquired special relevancy since the 2000s due to a constant increase of consumption rates and exhaustion of the own reserves. The author comes to the conclusion that despite the fact that the energy partnership, the most important manifestation of which was the beginning of the EU-Russia Energy Dialogue in 2001, influenced the rapprochement of the European Union and Russia in foreign policy issues, beginning since the mid-2000s, different vectors of the development of the energy policy of the EU and Russia have become apparent. The author proves that the Russian-Ukrainian gas crises, which were interpreted by European politicians as a threat to the energy security of Europe, were the most important reason for the introduction of a number of measures and legislative acts aimed at reducing the role of the Russian Federation in providing energy resources for the big part of Europe and equalizing the conditions for importers, exporters and transit countries in the European gas market. The most important legislative act reflecting this trend is the Third package of the EU, adopted in response to the second Russian-Ukrainian gas crisis and obliging vertically integrated energy companies operating in the EU, to which the Russian Gazprom belongs, divide their business of extraction and transportation of energy sources. The article shows that another important consequence of Russian-Ukrainian crises and an example of the divergence of energy development strategies between the Russian Federation and the European Union is Russia\'s withdrawal from the temporary application of one of the most important energy document of the European Union – the Energy Charter Treaty. The author concludes that the discrepancy of the Russian Federation and the European Union\'s energy policy, which began in the mid-2000s was influenced by changes in the understanding of the Russian Federation as a guarantor of European energy security in its potential threat, as well as the desire of the European Commission to build a gas relations is based on the new business models and to increase the competitiveness and transparency of the European gas market
Key words Key words: energy dependence; energy relations development strategies; gas crises; Energy Charter Treaty; Third Energy Package of the European Union; foreign policy; energy security; export policy; energy market of the European Union; energy partnership
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Full articleDiscrepancy of strategies between the energy development strategies of the Russian Federation and the European union beginning since the mid-2000s under the influence of russian-ukrainian gas crises