Article name Features of cyclical fluctations of the annual and maximal flow at the limits of upper and middle stream of the Ural river
Authors Belan L.Н. ,
Galeeva E.M. ,
Fatkhutdinova R.S. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Earth science
DOI 556.5
DOI 10.21209/2227-9245-2018-24-8-4-15
Article type scientific
Annotation The space and temporary variability of the river flow on the example of the Ural river at the territory of the Russian Federation is considered. The necessity of water resources fluctuations of the trans-bordered river for the purposes of long-term water management planning is stated. By the means of different integral curves and moving three-year averaging, the cyclical fluctuations of the river water content with respect to annual and maximal flow is noted. The full cycles of water content, high-water and low-water phases are allocated. The geographical regularities of the water resources on the Ural river are pointed out. Inside the allocated full cycles, the abounding and shallow phases are marked, their duration is listed. On the base of the many component observations series analysis is proved that inside of cycles both with respect to maximal and average annual of the water consumption the shallow phase prevails. For considered ganging stations the different duration of cycles of the contemporary variability of year flow according to their geographical position is noted. The analysis of trend-series, allowing to estimate the change of the water content in the perspective, is produced. The lineal trends in the series of year and maximal flow are investigated. It is stated that focus trend of maximal flow values demonstrate the district tendency to the decrease of water consumption. That requires the depth study of the factors, forming the maximal flow. For the year flow on the most stations the trends the opposite tendency is peculiar. The directionality of the average annual flow change is connected with meteorological factors, some corrections makes the overregulation of the river channel. The rational using of the water resources currently the presence of a low-water phase should be taken into account. In the future it is expected the lowering of the maximal flow values, increasing or a slight decreasing – for a year flow
Key words Key words: water content; flow; long-time dynamics; space variability; Ural river; maximal flow value; water resources; temporary variability; low-water phase; year flow
Article information Белан Л. Н., Галеева Л. М., Фатхутдинова Р. Ш. Особенности циклических колебаний годового и максимального стока в пределах верхнего и среднего течения р. Урал // Вестн. Забайкал. гос. ун-та. 2018. Т. 24. № 8. С.4–15.
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Full articleFeatures of cyclical fluctations of the annual and maximal flow at the limits of upper and middle stream of the Ural river