Article name Cooperation between Central Asia and Japan
Authors Kim E.. ,
Konopyanova L.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 327+327.8+327.81
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­6-68-75
Article type Scientific
Annotation The dynamics of the Japan\'s foreign policy relations development with Central Asia is examined on the example of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, namely, spheres of joint cooperation. It is shown how and under what conditions with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Central Asian states and Japan established diplomatic and partner relations. It is noted that from the end of the XX century cooperation between the countries of Central Asia and Japan has steadily increased, as evidenced by the level of official contacts. Concerning tripartite cooperation, Japan\'s cooperation with Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the authors identify specific aspects from which these actors of international relations can benefit. The turning point was the formulation of the concept of diplomacy of the “Silk Road” for Japan\'s policy towards Central Asia. Japan with Central Asia has several areas of interest, including cooperation in education, economic development of the region, political reforms, and energy resources. There are some problems in the relations between Central Asia and Japan, but opportunities for future bilateral and multilateral relations are not ruled out. The prospects for cooperation in the sphere of foreign policy have been determined. Continuous flows of investment between participants, which exceed millions of dollars, make these relations stronger. The facts and treaties, from which joint cooperation was born, are noted. A forecast is made for the development of relations between the countries of Central Asia and Japan
Key words Central Asia; Japan; Kazakhstan; Uzbekistan; multilateral relations; bilateral relations; international cooperation; diplomatic relations; dynamics of development; Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Article information Kim E., Konopyanova L. Cooperation between Central Asia and Japan // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 68-75
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