Article name Scientific basis for managing hospitality enterprises in difficult economic conditions
Authors Oborin M.. ,
Shostak M.. assistant,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 338; 348; 631
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­135-144
Article type Scientific
Annotation Management in the hospitality industry and ways to improve its efficiency on a scientific basis are considered. The theme of the main directions is connected with the need to adapt the considered type of economic activity to the complex of external and internal factors, affecting the key financial and economic indicators. The peculiarities of the management system of hotel enterprises are revealed, which is aimed at ensuring sustainable growth of the industry taking into account consumer expectations and macroeconomic parameters. Formally-logical, systemic and situational approaches, modeling of socio-economic processes were used. It is shown that the need for effective development of hospitality enterprises in today\'s unstable socio-economic conditions is conditioned by the important role of the service sector in the stability of the region\'s economy. Management of specialized enterprises is associated with such features as professionalism of staff, high quality food and accommodation, compliance with international and domestic standards of hospitality. The management system should meet the criteria of flexibility, adaptability to the environment and contribute to strategic goals achievement. The organizational and economic mechanism of specialized enterprises is formed on the basis of the balance of resources and opportunities, the system of indicators of conformity assessment of the current state of the management object reference. Complex macroeconomic conditions have a negative impact on the hospitality industry, so it is important to achieve key economic indicators and maintain break-even with a certain margin of financial strength. Recommendations are developed to improve the efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the enterprises of the hotel industry on a scientific basis: introduction of strategic planning, development of a business model of the main processes, optimization of resource potential
Key words hospitality industry; basic services; management; subject of management; object of management; impact; organizational and economic mechanism; hierarchical principle; strategic planning; business model
Article information Oborin M., Shostak M. Scientific basis for managing hospitality enterprises in difficult economic conditions // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 135-134
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Full articleScientific basis for managing hospitality enterprises in difficult economic conditions