Article name Formation of investment portfolio of a beginning investor
Authors Kazantsev L.. ,
Kuznetsova N.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 336.761
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­5-125-134
Article type Scientific
Annotation This article examines the mechanisms for stimulating the investment activity of individuals in the securities market. The problems of investment resources accumulation are indicated. Insignificant flow of investments of individuals\' savings through the mechanisms of the securities market is caused by financial illiteracy of the population, distrust of the greater part of the population to the stock market. It is determined that stimulating the investment activity of individuals in the securities market is one of the opportunities to attract domestic sources of financing investment activity. Analytic studies of various authors on the use of savings of individuals are considered. It is noted that the structure of monetary accumulation of the population is practically unchanged during the last years. The main investment flows of individuals\' savings are investments in real estate and bank deposits. It is also determined that the investment behavior of the population is affected by the investor\'s propensity for risk, the amount of the amount at his disposal. The software product “Investment Advisor” was developed and presented. This product is based on the main indicators currently used in the fundamental and technical analysis of the stock market; it allows you to quickly and visually receive information about the shares of Russian issuers, to make a decision on their purchase or sale to investors who do not have special training in working with the tools of fundamental and technical analysis. It is emphasized that using this product, it will not be difficult for a novice investor to form its investment portfolio. To optimize tax payments from operations with securities, it is recommended to purchase and sell securities through an individual investment account
Key words savings of individuals; investment activity of individuals; stock market; fundamental analysis; technical analysis; portfolio investment; investment risk; software product; individual investment account; investor
Article information Kuznetsova N., Kazantsev L. Formation of investment portfolio of a beginning investor // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 125-134
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Full articleFormation of investment portfolio of a beginning investor