Article name Integrated identity as a subject of ethnological and social and philosophical researches of identity
Authors Zhukova A.. ,
Romanova I.. ,
Mordasov V.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 325.14
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­5-71-77
Article type Scientific
Annotation The idea of the integral nature of identity is theoretically grounded. The methodology is based on the synthesis of existing theoretical concepts that consider the process of identity formation and transformation in the context of a dialogue between external and intragroup social influence. As a result, social groups are mobilized, believing in the existence of natural links that unite them, into the existence of a single type of culture, commonality of their origin and historical development. It is noted that the novelty of the idea of integral identity is associated with the formation of a concept aimed at overcoming the contradictions between the propositions of substantivism and constructivism, according to which identities are the result of the interaction of external social and intragroup influence on self-consciousness. It is concluded that the concept of “integral identity” emphasizes the dynamic nature and at the same time the reality and historical continuity of social groups that, adapting to the changing conditions of the modern world, retain their identity as a name with which they identify themselves
Key words identity; formation of identity; transformation of identity; substantsionalizm; constructivism; instrumentalism; integrated identity; methodology; concept; social groups
Article information Zhukova A., Romanova I., Mordasov V. Integrated identity as a subject of ethnological and social and philosophical researches of identity // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 71-77
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Full articleIntegrated identity as a subject of ethnological and social and philosophical researches of identity