Article name The development of civic culture of youth in the federal and regional political agendas is exemplified by presidential and gubernatorial messages to the legislative authorities
Authors Safronov A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Politology
DOI 316.7
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-­4-92-99
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of sociological research “The formation and develop-ment of civil culture of young people in the process of implementing state and regional policy in the Russian Federation” on the degree of attention by the institutions of the President of the Russian Federation and the Governor of Tula region to the problem of formation and development of civil culture of youth using the method of content analysis. The frequency of references to the category “of civil culture” and its structural elements on the basis of units of account, the modality of the message on civil culture and other characteristics are analyzed. Particular attention was paid to the value-orientation component, which includes the concepts of freedom, patriotism, human rights, justice, dignity, tolerance, well-being, responsibility, diligence, honesty and morality. The results of the research have shown the shift of the focus of attention of the first persons to the development of moral and family values, as well as the education of patriotism and volunteerism among young people. The leaders of the state and regional authorities noted the importance of the organization of youth career guidance, which can positively affect the development of citizenship in the process of adolescent socialization. At the same time, insufficient attention of the President of the Russian Federation and the Governor of Tula region to the problem of the development of civic culture of the population and the civic culture of youth, in particular, is recorded. This is reflected in the absence of a reference in the messages to the term “civic culture” as such, as well as very rare references to its structural elements. This fact reflects the need to fix the attention of top officials to the problem of citizenship of the younger generation and to include this topic in the current polit-ical agenda
Key words civic culture; civic culture of youth; analytical and creative abilities of young people; youth policy; institutional factors of development of civil culture; communicative culture of youth; values; orientations of civic culture; political agenda
Article information Safronov A. The development of civic culture of youth in the federal and re-gional political agendas is exemplified by presidential and gubernatorial messages to the legislative authorities // Transbaikal State University Jour-nal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 92-99
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Full articleThe development of civic culture of youth in the federal and regional political agendas is exemplified by presidential and gubernatorial messages to the legislative authorities