Article name Proposals on the delegation of powers of local self-government as an innovative problem based on international and Russian specifics
Authors Beidina T.. ,
Beidin S.. ,
Galynis K.. ,
Novikova A.. ,
Bibliographic description
Category Economics
DOI 11.15.45
DOI 10.21209/2227-­9245-­2018-­24-3-115-125
Article type Scientific
Annotation The article deals with the problem of subsidiarity, which implies devolution of powers to the state, regional and municipal levels. Characterized by the principles of delegation, the innovative nature and features of delegation to municipalities. The article noted the mechanisms for the resolution of local issues. In practice, the vagueness of language, and their uncertainty leads to various adverse consequences. The problems of delegation of authority are very specific for the Russian Federation and should be taken into account both international and innovative levels. At present, the reform of local self-government is continuing, aimed at taking into account regional peculiarities in the division of powers between different levels of public authority and local self-government bodies. However, this process is increasingly taking a modernizing, innovative character due to the lack of similar, analog and information management experience in Russian reality. The article examines the delegation of authority to the level of urban and rural settlements and specifics in Zabaykalsky Krai, consisting of the borderline and the lack of financial resources for the exercise of authority. Perspective can be a manifestation of various contractual forms of cooperation, when a joint address specific local issues in equity terms, can be allocated funds from the budgets of different levels. In the article the findings to improve the delegation of authority in Zabaykalsky Krai: it is necessary to use the collected own means of self-taxation of residents - one-time payments equal for all residents of the municipality; increase the volume of intergovernmental transfers and support of local initiatives; to develop forms of inter-municipal cooperation
Key words delegation of authority; local government; Zabaykalsky Krai; innovation; urban and rural settlements; municipalities; personnel problems; public authority; of the concession agreement; the municipal-private partnership; intermunicipal cooperation
Article information Beidina T., Beidin S., Galynis K., Novikova A. Proposals on the delegation of powers of local self-government as an innovative problem based on international and Russian specifics // Transbaikal State University Journal, 2018, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 115-125
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Full articleProposals on the delegation of powers of local self-government as an innovative problem based on international and Russian specifics